The research of efficiency of Zeman for the correction of sex hormones metabolism during the secondary hypogonadism treatment in men

І. І. Горпинченко, Ю. М. Гурженко, М. Д. Квач
2016 Health of Man  
The use of ahormonal medicine Zeman for activation of own hormones secretion during the treatment of hypogonadal states in men is shown in the work. It is noted the augmentation of testosterone on 47,8% and the reduce of estradiol in the serum of peripheral blood.
doi:10.30841/2307-5090.2(57).2016.82966 doaj:c25caad4e56d49878ace65bc73642d28 fatcat:q6jnfhr2erf75eaccjnq6o2yti