Deferral of Blood Donors Due To Anemia; an Experience of Blood Bank from Central India

Bhagwan Singh Yadav, Prithviraj Singh, Amit V Varma, Rajesh Kumar
2015 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
The minimum haemoglobin (Hb) cut-off for blood donation as per world blood transfusion standards is 12.5 gm/dl for both male and female donors and the minimum donation interval is 3 months. Blood donation with haemoglobin levels less than 12.5 gm/dl can cause anaemia or deterioration of conditions of donor and deterioration of recipient condition because of low haemoglobin. Donation of one unit of blood results in decrease in haemoglobin by 1 gm% and loss of 200-250 mg of iron. Donor deferral
more » ... e to anaemia is one of the major reasons of temporary rejection of blood donors. In the absence of further workup or advice, it results in loss of valuable donor base. This study is conducted to provide baseline information regarding the prevalence of anaemia in donor and assess distribution of donor according to socioeconomic status of donor. Haemoglobin screening of donors was performed using Copper sulphate specific gravity method. Venus blood sample of all the donors was tested on automated haematology analyser for confirmation of haemoglobin and evaluation of other haemogram parameters. In this study 6.7% donors were deferred due to anaemia (<12.5gm/dl). Most of the donors (>75%) belonged to middle socioeconomic group according to Prasad socio-economic scale (SES) scale.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v3i11.02 fatcat:a73pu4qps5fwjllgzzkhjbfzce