Tayfun Elmas, Jacob Burnim, George Necula, Koushik Sen
2013 SIGPLAN notices  
We present CONCURRIT, a domain-specific language (DSL) for reproducing concurrency bugs. Given some partial information about the nature of a bug in an application, a programmer can write a CONCURRIT script to formally and concisely specify a set of thread schedules to explore in order to find a schedule exhibiting the bug. Further, the programmer can specify how these thread schedules should be searched to find a schedule that reproduces the bug. We implemented CONCURRIT as an embedded DSL in
more » ... ++, which uses manual or automatic source instrumentation to partially control the scheduling of the software under test. Using CONCURRIT, we were able to write concise tests to reproduce concurrency bugs in a variety of benchmarks, including the Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine, Memcached, Apache's HTTP server, and MySQL.
doi:10.1145/2499370.2462162 fatcat:iwrufg3nargpdd6dxcgled47q4