Teaching Speaking to Adult Learners [entry]

Li-Shih Huang
2018 The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching   unpublished
The conceptions of adulthood vary from place to place especially in Nigeria where adulthood is not determined solely by age. Historical, physical, psychological and socio economic factors influence the individuals' ability to fulfilling certain roles and functions in the society that qualify and identify them as adults. This also vary from community to community in Nigeria as such, the term adult means different things in different situations and circumstances. Teaching at whatever level is
more » ... ral to curriculum implementation. Basically, teaching involves the process of transmitting knowledge. Interestingly, teaching as an activity or process is systematic, interactive, organised and purposive. The ultimate aim is to cause desirable change in the learners' behaviour. Learners in this instance are persons who have been recognised as adults in their environments who exhibit sense of purpose and commitment. The study examined various teaching methods in adult education and its implications to adult learners. Three research questions and two null hypotheses tested at .05 level of significance guided the study. The survey research design was adopted in the study with a population of 591 respondents made up of 291 male and 300 female adult learners from 12 adult learning centres. The sample of 355 respondents (60% of the entire population) comprising 175 male and 180 female was drawn using the convenience sampling technique. Data collecting instrument for the study was a-14 item questionnaire that was face validated by two validates in the field of study. Data collected were analysed using the mean for the research questions and the t-test statistic for the hypotheses. Findings revealed among others that lecture, simulation, project and drama methods were adult teaching methods mostly utilised in adult teaching in Nigeria. The findings further indicated that project method was identified as the most effective adult teaching method used in adult delivery followed by simulation. Inhibiting factors to the non use of appropriate teaching methods by facilitators in adult teaching in Nigeria comprised inadequate instructional facilities and the use of facilitators with no andragogical skills. It was recommended among others that Government and other providers of adult education programmes should ensure that adequate facilities are provided for effective adult education delivery and that funds should adequately be provided by the government for enhanced management of programmes.
doi:10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0714 fatcat:w5uwmpdvynhvlbw62sdp4ippsa