A Case of Exploding Head Syndrome

Ho-Sung Ryu, Gha-Hyun Lee, Sang-Ahm Lee
2012 Journal of Korean Sleep Research Society  
Exploding head syndrome (EHS) is a rare phenomenon of unknown etiology, characterized by a sense of an explosive noise in the head usually in the wake-sleep transition. The sufferers experience a loud bang in their head that seems to originate from inside the head. We describe a 55-year old male with symptoms of a loud bang, spark and electrical current running like noise at sleep onset for one year. On video-electroencephalography monitoring, the events occurred during sleep-wake transition.
more » ... diagnosed him to EHS based on typical clinical features.
doi:10.13078/jksrs.12005 fatcat:fudhq3rqzfabddvbjnhr5axlbe