Acquiring University Teaching Competences with Clinical Simulation in Health Sciences Education [post]

Rafael Fernandez Castillo, Francisco Jose Gómez Gómez, Raquel Garcia Perez, Antonio Liñan Gonzalez
2020 unpublished
Backgorund:Clinical simulation exercises provide students with the opportunity to engage in role-playing and to reenact a professional situation. They can thus practice treating patients in simulation labs that replicate real-life scenarios that can be complicated, stressful, or even conflictive. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of satisfaction of a group of postgraduate students enrolled in the Masters in Teaching at the University of Granada (Spain) with this teaching
more » ... e. Methods: We conducted a longitudinal study over the 4-year perio. To ascertain the students' satisfaction with quality of the clinical simulation lab, they were asked to fill out a survey. The sample population of this study consisted of 108 students in the four groups of the Master's program. During the 4-year study period, students were required to design and prepare a clinical case study, with a set of objectives and a topic related to their degree or specialization. The presentation, which had a duration of fifteen minutes, was given in a simulation lab. Results:The 100% of the Master's students either agreed or strongly agreed that simulation was a useful teaching method and that the simulation scenarios envisaged were realistic. Of the sample, 77.8% affirmed that the simulation experience had improved their use of new technologies. All of the students agreed or strongly agreed that the simulation helped to develop their capacity for critical reasoning and decision-making.Conclusions. The results obtained confirmed that the students valued this technique and regarded it as an innovative strategy that fosters immersive learning, and which has great potential for the development of clinical competence. Not only did it boost their self-confidence, but they claimed that it also opened new professional doors for them and trained them for a possible future as a university lecturer.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:j2gowhos2rdm5jounuxt6ep2pm