Forensics and SIM Cards: An Overview

Fabio Casadei, Antonio Savoldi, Paolo Gubian
2006 International Journal of Digital Evidence  
Nowadays there are many tools for the extraction of data objects [SWGDE] from SIM cards; unfortunately, most of them are proprietary, or their use is restricted to law enforcement and this is contrary to the Daubert test for acceptability from the scientific community. In this paper, we present an open source tool for data objects extraction from SIM and USIM cards which is capable of extracting all observable memory and all the non-standard files that are found in every SIM card. First, a
more » ... iption of the tool from a digital forensics perspective will be provided. Then, the technological background of the tool will be sketched. After that, the core algorithms will be described and explained. Then, motivations for the choice of an XML format for output will be given and the format described. In conclusion, the possible lines of evolution will be presented.
dblp:journals/ijde/CasadeiSG06 fatcat:gsmgbk3uojcrbmra3jiquedgqq