2018 IEICE transactions on electronics  
Human beings can no longer live without radio waves. After J.C. Maxwell predicted the existence of radio waves and H. Hertz conducted an experiment to verify the existence of these waves, we discovered a radio wave that did not initially exist in the universe, except considerably weak waves in space plasmas, and subsequently developed various radio-wave applications, e.g., wireless communication, broadcasting, remote sensing, material heating, and material processing. Recently, our demand for
more » ... tter use of radio waves has increased to live a more convenient life. In response, a new generation of radio-wave applications, e.g., fifth-generation mobile communication system (5G), Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent transport systems (ITSs), and wireless power transfer (WPT), has emerged. In particular, utilization of microwaves/millimeter waves/terahertz waves is expected. We often hear that the Internet has changed the society. Similarly, new radio-wave applications may change the way how people become as "evolved human beings."
doi:10.1587/transele.e101.c.718 fatcat:g5eo7cpqubabtcopjvtz64qwz4