Potential of a Network of Electronic Noses to Assess in Real Time the Odour Annoyance in the Environment of a Compost Facility

J. Nicolas, C. Cerisier, J. Delva, A.C. Romain
2012 Chemical Engineering Transactions  
This paper presents a complete approach of continuous odour monitoring around an industrial plant, with an e-nose network named FIDOR, providing in real time the five components of the odour annoyance, the frequency, the intensity, the duration, the offensiveness and the impact on the receptor. Such FIDOR network was placed in the immediate surroundings of a compost facility in Belgium. Results show a good coherence between information provided by FIDOR system and odour level assessment with
more » ... an noses. Some interesting correlations are also found between e-nose responses at different distances in a same radial direction from the source. The discussion is mainly focused on the potentialities and the limitations of such system.
doi:10.3303/cet1230023 doaj:360db3536a594ed3b56850e933b4dc68 fatcat:cztzludrsffbterssb2jweq4ii