Development and storage studies of wood apple (Limonia acidissima) chutney

Nisha Singhania, Priyanka Kajla, Sunil Bishnoi, Aradhita Barmanray, Ronak .
2020 International Journal of Chemical Studies  
Wood apple chutney was nutritious and health beneficial product with biochemical properties such as phenolic compounds that act as antioxidant properties. The present investigation was to develop and storage study of wood apple chutney. The best quality of chutney was selected on the basis of organoleptic quality for storage study. During the storage period of chutney moisture content, pH, total soluble solid, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid and biochemical properties (total phenolic content
more » ... nd antioxidant activity) were analyzed. Wood apple chutney was recorded on second month that ascorbic acid, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity had 2.2 mg/100g, 143.7 mg/g and 65.4% respectively. Hence result signified that chutney prepared from wood apple fruit was contained nutritional properties that beat suitable for consumption up to 2 month after that biochemical properties start to degraded.
doi:10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1al.8639 fatcat:ak5hdiit6vhjnpfutvk6nocbrm