Chapter 6 Hybrid seismic imaging [chapter]

M. Mendes, J.-L. Mari, M. Hayet
2020 Seismic imaging: a practical approach  
Traditionally, each seismic prospection technique requires the optimization of field layout, equipment and configuration dependent on the target, attempting to record only the proposed seismic wave, with the highest possible quality. Although setup parameters are designed specifically for selected wave types, seismic records are always corrupted by other waves. To isolate a single wave type, data processing methods are applied for the extraction and/or minimization of all other arrivals.
more » ... ely, this chapter addresses how it is possible to take advantage of several existing wave types, within the same dataset, encouraging the application of hybrid seismic methods. The objective being to obtain a final model that is built with the information produced by different seismic processing sequences, which thus improves significantly the delineation of seismic velocity interfaces and/or the physical parameterization of subsurface geological structures. Thus, the proposed hybrid seismic strategy offers economic and practical benefits because its implementation can be carried out without increasing the costs of seismic data acquisition, while data processing follows standard procedures. This chapter of Seismic Imaging: a practical approach is published under Open Source Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-ND allowing non-commercial use, distribution, reproduction of the text, via any medium, provided the source is cited.
doi:10.1051/978-2-7598-2351-2-008 fatcat:3us4saevxrfaraj3vygyj6cpoi