Features of the methodology for assessing budget efficiency investment pro-jects
R. M. Myniv, V. О. Ivashkiv, Н. M. Mokrytska
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies
The analysis of current regulations shows that only a few indicators (budgetary effect) are used to assess the budget efficiency of investment projects in Ukraine, and the decision on financing is not made from it. As a result, it is necessary to raise the issue of introducing an additional system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects, which characterize the return on investment of budget funds. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop proposals for improving
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... the methodology for assessing the budget effectiveness of investment projects. The main indicator for assessing the effectiveness of projects that provide state or regional financial support is the budgetary effect. Budget effect is the main indicator of budget efficiency used to justify the decision to finance the project, which is often defined as the difference between inflows and outflows of budget funds, taking into account discounting. The paper proposes to introduce additional indicators to assess the budget efficiency of the investment project, in addition to the payback period of state support. Absolute budget effect. which will be calculated in the form of two indicators: taking into account and without taking into account loans to banks under government guarantees. This calculation is justified, as the budget effect may be understated by including bank loans in the definition of this indicator, while the state budget may not incur costs under its guarantee obligations. Absolute budgetary effect, which characterizes the total amount of funds that the country's budget will receive as a result of the project. Relative budget effect, which characterizes the ratio of budget investments to the investment project and additional revenues to the budget. Budget profitability – shows how many monetary units the project implementation brings per unit of budget funds spent. Due to the fact that this indicator is based on the indicator of the absolute budgetary effect, the calculation of this indicator will be calculated taking into account and without taking into account bank loans issued under government guarantees. The authors have developed some modifications to the calculations for assessing the budget efficiency of investment projects, as well as the calculation of indicators of budget efficiency of projects that characterize the return on investment: absolute budget effect, relative budget effect (indirect and direct), budget profitability.