Handwritten Digit & Character for Interactive Printing Using Digital Pen

Miss. Rajashree Revaji Shinde, Prof. Mr. S.A Shaikh
2014 IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering  
this paper presents a digital pen for handwritten digit and character for interactive printing applications. It is consists of an ARM processor, microphone, & camera. The drawing application lets user draw on any surface by observing the movement of index finger. Also can access or manipulate the information using fingers. Take a photo by Just make a square with fingers using color markers, & highlight that frame, and this system will capture the photo. Arrange these photos using own hands over
more » ... free space. The device has a large number of applications, it is portable and easy to carry & that can wear it in neck. The camera also helps user to take pictures of the scene is viewing and later can arrange them on any surface. This system also used for reading a newspaper. Reading & viewing videos in a newspaper instead of the photos. Live sports can be updates while reading the newspaper. Users can use the pen to write digits or character. Our experimental results have successfully validated the effectiveness of the trajectory recognition algorithm for handwritten digit and character using the proposed digital pen.
doi:10.9790/2834-09444245 fatcat:xnn37xyqufemtpjsgwn77rnvlm