Theoretical basics of applying the one dimensional problem of soils compression seal theory to large foundation plates calculation

Veniamin Isaev, Andrei Maltsev, Andrei Karpov, V. Andreev
2016 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Calculation of compressed footings settlement is one of the most vital tasks of soil mechanics. The calculation method of layer-by-layer addition, which recommended by current regulations and used in structural engineering practice, is most suitable for determining the settlement of foundations with an area of less than 50 m 2 . The authors prove that it's possible to apply the one-dimensional problem of soils compression seal theory to the calculation of the settlement of large foundation
more » ... s. The proposed method of determining the settlement of large foundation plates makes the calculations simpler. There are examples of comparable calculations using the existing and proposed methods.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/20168603001 fatcat:onud4flfg5hzxbeku7hvbgn6eu