Induction and Coexpression of Latent Transforming Growth Factor β-Binding Protein-1 and Fibrillin-1 in Experimental Glomerulonephritis

Markus Porst, Christoph Daniel, Christian Plank, Harald O. Schocklmann, Dieter P. Reinhardt, Andrea Hartner
2005 Nephron Experimental Nephrology  
1 and fi brillin-1 showed a mesangial distribution. An expansion of the LTBP-1 and fi brillin-1-positive mesangial area was seen on day 6 of disease, when transient matrix accumulation was most prominent. On day 12 of disease, glomerular LTBP-1 and fi brillin-1 immunoreactivities had returned to control levels. In serial sections, some colocalization of LTBP-1 and fi brillin-1 was detected in control as well as in nephritic glomeruli. Conclusion: Mesangial expression of LTBP-1 and fi brillin-1
more » ... s induced early in experimental nephritis and LTBP-1 and fi brillin-1 are partially colocalized in the nephritic glomerulus. An interaction of these molecules could stabilize latent TGF-␤ complexes and thus attenuate the activation of TGF-␤ during this self-limited glomerular disease. Latent transforming growth factor-␤ -binding protein 1 (LTBP-1) regulates secretion and activation of transforming growth factor-␤ (TGF-␤ ) isoforms [1] and also plays a role as a structural component of fi brillin-rich microfi brils in the extracellular matrix of the vasculature or Abstract Background: Latent transforming growth factor-␤ -binding protein 1 (LTBP-1) and fi brillin-1 were shown to colocalize and interact in the extracellular matrix of the skin and vasculature. This interaction may regulate transforming growth factor-␤ (TGF-␤ ) activity. TGF-␤ is an im-
doi:10.1159/000089688 pmid:16282705 fatcat:54wjcib72vb4tehh3con6hpkpy