Efficient Anomaly Detection Through Confidence Interval Estimation Based on Time Series Analysis

Yeong-Ju Kim, Min-A Jeong
2015 International journal of advanced smart convergence  
This paper suggests a method of real time confidence interval estimation to detect abnormal states of sensor data. For real time confidence interval estimation, the mean square errors of the exponential smoothing method and moving average method, two of the time series analysis method, were compared, and the moving average method with less errors was applied. When the sensor data passes the bounds of the confidence interval estimation, the administrator is notified through alarms. As the
more » ... ed method is for real time anomaly detection in a ship, an Android terminal was adopted for better communication between the wireless sensor network and users. For safe navigation, an administrator can make decisions promptly and accurately upon emergency situation in a ship by referring to the anomaly detection information through real time confidence interval estimation.
doi:10.7236/ijasc.2015.4.2.46 fatcat:i6dqqz7ajvbmxa7qgc6xg7wuz4