Drama in the Australian national curriculum: decisions, tensions and uncertainties

Madonna Stinson, John Nicholas Saunders
2016 Research in Drama Education  
In September 2015, the Australian Federal Government endorsed the final version of the Australian Curriculum arts framework a document resulting from nearly seven years of consultation and development. The Australian Curriculum: The Arts Version 8.0 comprises five subjects: dance, drama, media arts, music and visual arts. This article considers the curriculum development process and highlights interplays between decisions and decision makers. Now available for implementation in each State and
more » ... rritory of Australia, the nature and structure of the framework remains in question with regard to what aspects of the curriculum will be supported for implementation in each State. At the time of writing, not one State education authority has guaranteed that the curriculum, as written and in full, will be implemented. As a result Drama remains outside the educational entitlement for all children in Australia.
doi:10.1080/13569783.2015.1126173 fatcat:vzwidwlr6vfaxfvqzdff6xhjk4