Measuring assessor accuracy

Mark D. Smucker, Chandra Prakash Jethani
2011 Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information - SIGIR '11  
In many situations, humans judging document relevance are forced to trade-off accuracy for speed. The development of better interactive retrieval systems and relevance assessing platforms requires the measurement of assessor accuracy, but to date the subjective nature of relevance has prevented such measurement. To quantify assessor performance, we define relevance to be a group's majority opinion, and demonstrate the value of this approach by comparing the performance of NIST assessors to a
more » ... up of assessors representative of participants in many information retrieval user studies. Using data collected as part of a user study with 48 participants, we found that NIST assessors discriminate between relevant and non-relevant documents better than the average participant in our study, but that NIST assessors' true positive rate is no better than that of the study participants. In addition, we found NIST assessors to be conservative in their judgment of relevance compared to the average participant.
doi:10.1145/2009916.2010134 dblp:conf/sigir/SmuckerJ11 fatcat:zhkymrw4rffj3nzc2kbbphw454