Summary Legal and Technical Report on Spent Convictions

Pompeu Casanovas, Louis de Koker, Patrick Keyzer, Danuta Mendelson, David Watts, Jeffrey Barnes, Suzanne O'Toole, Mira Stammers, David Parsons, Guido Governatori, Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel, Mustafa Hashmi (+1 others)
2019 Zenodo  
This legal and technical report on Spent Convictions modelling summarises the findings and results already presented in Deliverables DC3.1 - DC3.6 and provides concluding perspectives. This report includes a brief overview of the preliminary conceptual work and notes on the Spent Convictions Scheme solution prior to its semi-automated modelling. This report should ideally be read in conjunction with the earlier project deliverables: DC3.1 introduces the subject; DC3.2 presents the clustering
more » ... the survey on legal compliance; DC3.3 presents the roadmap towards publishing law as data using Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools; DC3.4 describes in more detail the Spent Convictions Scheme; DC3.5 elaborates on the potential interpretative issues and impact of Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (Part VIIC – Division 3: Sections 85ZV, 85ZW and Associated Definitions); and DC3.6 analyses the case law perspective. This report briefly discusses (i) the survey on legal compliance in which the difference between regulatory and legal compliance is grounded; (ii) the legal issues raised by the Spent Convictions Scheme (steps, interpretations, case law and privacy); (iii) the Spent Convictions Scheme modelling in defeasible semantic logic, (iv) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and applications. D3C.7 therefore summarises the results and findings of the Project and offers a proof of concept.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3271525 fatcat:7qwbjxqzzvevxiuc7haswl2h2m