Aspterrics A and B, New Sesquiterpenes from Deep Sea-derived Fungus Aspergillus terreus YPGA10

Yuanli Li, Wan Liu, Wei Xu, Xi Zeng, Zhongbin Cheng, Qin Li
2019 Records of Natural Products  
Two new sesquiterpenes, namely aspterric A (1) and aspterric B (2), together with aspterric acid (3), were isolated from the deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus YPGA10. The structures of aspterrics A and B were determined by NMR and HRESIMS data. Biogenetically, aspterrics A and B were assumed to be the intermediates to derive aspterric acid.
doi:10.25135/rnp. fatcat:xy4znfv7vzau5apnt5b2taivtm