What is job crafting? Review of theoretical models of job crafting
Czym jest job crafting? Przegląd koncepcji teoretycznych dotyczących kształtowania pracy

Łukasz Kapica, Łukasz Baka
2021 Medycyna Pracy  
In recent years, there has been a clear increase in the interest in positive phenomena in work psychology. One of such issues is employee-initiated behavior aimed at transforming working conditions in order to increase job satisfaction and match it to one's needs and abilities. These behaviors are referred to as job crafting. With the development of research on this issue, different theoretical concepts and definitions of job crafting were created and then evolved. The aim of the work is to
more » ... ematize them and perform a critical analysis. The article analyzes 5 theoretical models of job crafting: Wrzesniewski and Dutton's model, Tims and Bakker's model, Zhang and Parker's model, Bindl et al.'s model, and Kooij et al.'s model The publication presents the differences between these models, and strengths and critical points of each of them. Med Pr. 2021;72(4).
doi:10.13075/mp.5893.01115 pmid:34254592 fatcat:yubeewq76ndh3a7s7kno4kka3y