The effect of physical exercise and caloric restriction on the components of metabolic syndrome

Francisco Leonardo Torres-Leal, Mariana Dutilh de Capitani, Julio Tirapegui
2009 Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences  
Recent studies of the effects of physical exercise and caloric restriction have found several benefits on the metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors related to metabolic syndrome (MS). This review examines the current state of knowledge of the effects of physical exercise on the main pathologies associated with MS: obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), dyslipidemias and hypertension. Although there are only a few randomized and controlled studies that evaluated the
more » ... ention and treatment of MS, strong evidence from controlled studies indicates that lifestyle changes that include regular physical exercise and caloric restriction are effective in preventing and treating DM2 in overweight individuals with reduced glucose tolerance. Likewise, epidemiologic studies suggest that regular physical exercise prevents the development of DM2 and cardiovascular disease. Based on current recommendations, it is important to increase the level of physical exercise at a moderate intensity to achieve good cardiorespiratory and muscular conditions and to promote fat mass reduction, with consequent reductions of risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
doi:10.1590/s1984-82502009000300003 fatcat:zq6h3dlqtjd3fmuww5f5zq2t5a