Designing Water Efficiency Measures in a Catchment in Greece Using WEAP and SWAT Models

Alexander Psomas, Yiannis Panagopoulos, Dimitra Konsta, Maria Mimikou
2016 Procedia Engineering  
The Ali Efenti catchment is a rural upstream subcatchment of the Pinios river basin that suffers from seasonal water shortages due to the rapid increase of the total water abstraction in the summer months, which is mainly attributed to local crop irrigation. Catchment modelling is being implemented using two different modelling approaches: a conceptual model based on water balances, the Water Evaluation And Planning system (WEAP), and a physically-based model coupled with routines for
more » ... and crop growth, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Both models were set up, calibrated and validated using observed streamflows. The strengths of the two models were combined in order to design effective, efficient and comprehensive demandside measures for the urban, tourism, industrial and agricultural sectors to achieve sustainable water management in the Ali Efenti catchment. The comparison of the two models and the results of modelling are being discussed.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.058 fatcat:fyinz5lmizbh5cr6acl2qxiw24