Wander Amaral Camargo
2010 Travessias  
The present article is constituted as product of an investigation that takes the sociological function of the teachers work as object understood as concept of the changes promoted by the reform of the system of teachers formation in Brazil. The article is devoted the understanding of as the educational politics they try to print in the work processes. As such he/she locates in the group of the reflections returned before for concerns with the social conditions of human existence to the
more » ... s of the Brazilian development. In a more specific way, that investigation is allocated in the theoretical-methodological referencial of the dialectics to designate the conclusion of a position epistemolgica about the conditions of the human development, it is harnessed to the field of the studies of the work about teachers formation. Like this, the research with the teachers work has for objective to analyze the differences and the reasons of those differences in that professionals performance. Besides, as conclusion, it is important to point out that the results show, in the accomplished interviews, the need of understanding of the gender notions presented by Bakhtin (1997) and of activity of Clot (2007) and Machado (2007), as for the development of a methodology of analysis of the teachers work.
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