continuing education

1995 Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS)  
This short course will be held 27-28 January 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel prior to the AMS 76th Annual Meeting. Designed for environmental scientists and midlevel managers, the course provides an introduction to critical fundamentals of applied climatological problem solving. An eight-step decision-making process will be defined, and case studies that employ this process will be presented. A monitored, open computer lab will be available to course participants for
more » ... sted exploration of sources of climate data and information presented during the formal lectures. For additional information, see future issues of the Bulletin or contact AMS Headquarters at 617-227-2425. GOES-8 and GOES-9.The new generation of GOES satellites-GOES-8 launched in April 1994 and GOES-9 launched in May 1995-will be presented in a one-day short course. This training session will cover instrument specifications and performance, navigational principles, data collection schedules, data availability and formats, operational data products, and sounder and image interpretation. Scientists, engineers, civilian and military forecasters, teachers, and students will have the opportunity to attend this short course on 28 January 1996 at the AMS 76th Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel. For additional information, please see future issues of the Bulletin or contact AMS Headquarters at 617-227-2425.
doi:10.1175/1520-0477-76.12.2534 fatcat:s5msjc4ugjeobemkyjorrbibsa