Towards a holographic model ofD-wave superconductors

Jiunn-Wei Chen, Ying-Jer Kao, Debaprasad Maity, Wen-Yu Wen, Chen-Pin Yeh
2010 Physical Review D  
The holographic model for S-wave high T_c superconductors developed by Hartnoll, Herzog and Horowitz is generalized to describe D-wave superconductors. The 3+1 dimensional gravitational theory consists a symmetric, traceless second-rank tensor field and a U(1) gauge field in the background of the AdS black hole. Below T_c the tensor field which carries the U(1) charge undergoes the Higgs mechanism and breaks the U(1) symmetry of the boundary theory spontaneously. The phase transition
more » ... ed by the D-wave condensate is second order with the mean field critical exponent beta = 1/2. As expected, the AC conductivity is isotropic below T_c and the system becomes superconducting in the DC limit but has no hard gap.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.81.106008 fatcat:ruzdl7pd6zgjhitgscgj7gpyw4