Clients' internal representations of their therapists

Sarah Knox, Julie L. Goldberg, Susan S. Woodhouse, Clara E. Hill
1999 Journal of Counseling Psychology  
Thirteen adults in long-term individual psychotherapy were interviewed regarding their internal representations (denned as bringing to awareness the internalized "image") of then-therapists. Results indicated that in the context of a good therapeutic relationship, clients' internal representations combined auditory, visual, and kinesthetic (i.e., felt presence) modalities; were triggered when clients thought about past or future sessions, or when distressed; occurred in diverse locations; and
more » ... ried in frequency, duration, and intensity. Clients felt positively about their representations and used them to introspect or influence therapy within sessions, beyond sessions, or both. The frequency of, comfort with, and use of clients' internal NOT THE PUBLISHED VERSION; this is the author's final, peer-reviewed manuscript. The published version may be accessed by following the link in the citation at the bottom of the page.
doi:10.1037/0022-0167.46.2.244 fatcat:6xidmw5obfeo3mhrfit2lcchcq