Typology of Facebook Posts: An Examination of Data

Martin Fiebert, Brandon Yip
2015 International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities   unpublished
Previous studies have examined the activities of Facebook users. This fall into five categories we differentiated and named: Scrapbooker, Social butterfly, activist, Entrepreneur and Observer. In the present study, data was collected from 468 subjects who were asked to indicate what percent of their FB behaviors fell into each of the typological categories. For the group in general, Results revealobserver activities accounted for 36.53% of their overall time on Facebook; Social butterfly
more » ... rs accounted for 35.07%;Scrapbook activities accounted for 13.62%; Activist activity accounted for 7.02%;and Entrepreneurial activity for 6.28%. An examination of gender differences in typological behavior reveals that women are significantly more likely than men to engage in Scrap booking activities.