UV-Visible, Transport And Solvation Analysis of An Electrolyte AT 308.15K

Padmavathy R., Dhanalakshmi K.
2018 International Journal of Current Research and Review  
The present study elaborates the experimental details on the transport features and properties of peptide with electrolyte in nonaqueous solutions of different temperatures. The measured quantities are density, viscosity, ultrasonic velocity, conductivity, solvation number and thermodynamical parameters at different temperatures. The results are discussed in terms of solute-solute, solvent-solvent, solute-solvent interaction of electrolyte in non-aqueous solution. Agar well diffusion method
more » ... ed appreciable antifungal activity against aspergillus Niger. An attempt is made to correlate the ultrasonic, spectroscopic and biological study of the sample at different temperatures.
doi:10.31782/ijcrr.2018.5963 fatcat:m4jfrropxvc3zmtw4dv5dgbvhu