Gadyach localities of Diphasiastrum complanatum (Lycopodiaceae) in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe
Гадяцький локалітет Diphasiastrum complanatum (Lycopodiaceae) на території Лівобережного Лісостепу

N.O. Smoliar, O.R. Khannanova
2018 Ukrainian Botanical Journal  
Information on the localities of Diphasiastrum complanatum, a species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, in the territory of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe, based on the results of original research, literature sources and herbarium data, is provided. Localities of the species in Gadyach District (Poltava Region) are characterized; two new localities are reported. The ecological cenotic features of the species in these habitats on the south eastern border of the range are presented. The ratio
more » ... of ecological conditions of the studied localities of D. complanatum and amplitudes of tolerance, average values of the indicators of the leading environmental factors to the ecological optimum are calculated (climatic -temperature mode, humid climate, cryo climate, continentality; edaphic -humidity, acidity, soil salinity, carbonate content, content of mineral nitrogen compounds). The environmental amplitudes of the species according to some factors are specified. The deviation by the indices of climate humidity is indicated, therefore the species under conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe is considered to belong to the group of mesoaridophytes. At the same time, according to deviation of soil acidity towards pH increase, the species in the studied area is regarded as acidophilic. Information on floristic composition of the habitats of D. complanatum in "Gadyach localities", with participation of the species with wide ranges and significant role of boreal species, is provided. It has been established that they represent almost the same type of biotopes of uneven aged forest plantations of Pinus sylvestris on the pine-forest terrace of the Psel River. Those biotopes include leaf moss communities which belong to the Pulsatillo-Pinetea sylvestris association. A schematic map of the species distribution in the territory of Gadyach District is prepared. The issue of the species conservation in the studied area is considered. It was established that two habitats within the limits of Gadyach Regional Landscape Park are under protection. It is recommended to add the third habitat to the protected area.
doi:10.15407/ukrbotj75.03.274 fatcat:sggnvbrq4fhnxmvz6nfeb6yzgi