Taking the vector vortex coronagraph to the next level for ground- and space-based exoplanet imaging instruments: review of technology developments in the USA, Japan, and Europe

Dimitri Mawet, Naoshi Murakami, Christian Delacroix, Eugene Serabyn, Olivier Absil, Naoshi Baba, Jacques Baudrand, Anthony Boccaletti, Rick Burruss, Russell Chipman, Pontus Forsberg, Serge Habraken (+32 others)
2011 Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets V  
The Vector Vortex Coronagraph (VVC) is one of the most attractive new-generation coronagraphs for ground-and space-based exoplanet imaging/characterization instruments, as recently demonstrated on sky at Palomar and in the laboratory at JPL, and Hokkaido University. Manufacturing technologies for devices covering wavelength ranges from the optical to the mid-infrared, have been maturing quickly. We will review the current status of technology developments supported by NASA in the USA (Jet
more » ... sion , using liquid crystal polymers, subwavelength gratings, and photonics crystals, respectively. We will then browse concrete perspectives for the use of the VVC on upcoming ground-based facilities with or without (extreme) adaptive optics, extremely large ground-based telescopes, and space-based internal coronagraphs.
doi:10.1117/12.896059 fatcat:mtn2adfig5frfdsp642nnzqd4u