Biologic and Economic Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Cassava Root Meal "Garri" as a Substitute for Maize

G.S. Ojewola, E.A, Ebele, Olojede. A.O
2016 IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science  
56days experiment was carried out to study the effect of substituting dietary maize with graded levels of cassava root meal "Garri" in broiler chicken diet. The percentage dietary maize in the diet was gradually substituted with cassava root meal at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100% respectively in a Completely Randomized Design. Two hundred and twenty (220) day-old unsexed broiler chicks were randomly assigned to the treatments. Each treatment consists of 20 chicks
more » ... cated twice with 10 chicks per replicate. Mean weight gain and feed-to-gain ratio of birds fed diets 1 and 2 were significantly (P<0.05) superior to the others while birds fed diets 3 to 11 had their weights and feed-to-gain ratio slightly depressed, though comparable and within the range of acceptable values. Weights(g), cut-parts(g), percent dressed weights and cut-parts were significantly (P<0.05) influenced with the mean dressed weight ranging from 1425g (D6 and 7) to 2272.50g (D1). Birds fed diets 1 and 6 respectively gave the highest (73.33%) and least (60%) values, though the values followed no definite pattern. PCV, HBC and ALP were not significantly (P >0.05) influenced, but others were. Valuesobtained were also within the range reported for healthy birds. The cost variables were significantly (P<0.05) influenced and showed an inverse relationship with the increase substitution of maize with cassava root meal. In conclusion, cassava root meal "Garri" might have depressed revenue slightly it cannot be said to be unprofitable, so it is recommended even at 100%.
doi:10.9790/2380-0910011015 fatcat:s577j6dtxjgwbm5spqido5t5iu