Ferromagnetic resonance and interlayer exchange coupling in magnetic multilayers with compositional gradients
D. M. Polishchuk, A. F. Kravets, Yu. O. Tykhonenko-Polishchuk, A. I. Tovstolytkin, V. Korenivski
AIP Advances
Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in magnetic multilayers of type F1/f/F2, where two strongly ferromagnetic layers F1 and F2 are separated by a weakly magnetic spacer f with a compositional gradient along its thickness, is investigated. The method allows to detect the weak signal from the spacer in additional to the more pronounced and readily measured signal from the outer strongly-magnetic layers, and thereby study the properties of the spacer as well as the interlayer exchange interaction it
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... ates. Variable temperature FMR measurements, especially near the relevant Curie points, reveal a rich set of properties of the exchange interactions in the system. The obtained results are useful for designing and optimizing nanostructures with thermally-controlled magnetic properties.