Direct Composite Veneers for Anterio Teeth: Prevention of Aesthetic Deformation

Shumilovich B.R., Sushenko A.V., Morozov A.N.
2016 Universal Journal of Medical Science  
A system of finished Componeer composite veneers is a unique and having no analogy in the world elaboration of the Swiss company Coltene/Whaledent, an outcome of almost half a century experience of the company working in a field of composite materials. It combines the best features of direct and indirect restoration methods. The system is fulfilled of nano-composite Synergy D6 that has high mechanical strength, convenience for workable consistency, color stability and a system of halftone
more » ... , which facilitates color matching. All this allows achieving excellent aesthetic results in minimal time. Application of an original standard scale gives possibility effectively assess optical properties of dental hard tissues and develop an implementation strategy of restoration before work started. Formation of Componeer form, polymerization and polishing at factory allow a practitioner fully utilize effect of "fluorescence" inherent to the material. All this allows us to position the Componeer system as a serious alternative to non-direct methods of restoration with the possibility of both high aesthetic and cosmetic reconstruction reliability.
doi:10.13189/ujmsj.2016.040305 fatcat:sdy4zezb3bhlppcz2qn7m7rlyu