The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Louisiana State University, recog nized as a dangerous contender in all I athletic sports, has been given a date \ on the University of Texas tra ck ; schedule for this spring. The Loui- -------- siana team will journey to Austin on World-wide Traveler Tells Stu-Thousands Hear Eddy in Sec-April 23 to meet Coacli Littlefield's cmd Speech of Series Deproteges. This is the first time in livered Last Night , years that this outside aggregation (B y J. P. W atson) has tested the mettle of the
more » ... ns Sherwood Eddy spoke last night to ; in the field and on the cinder paths, an audience that filled to its capacity antj the outcome can hardly be prethe University Methodist Church.; dieted. Long before the time for the begin-Strong Schedule Planned ning of the ^service, the auditorium Coach Littlefield has completed his and entrance of the church were schedule for the spring meets, and crowded. ; there will be plenty of action, from dents of Conditions Else where and Here W ED N ESD A Y 8:15 a. rn.-Chapel in Y. M. C. A. Auditorium. 5:00 p. rn.-Mass meeting for women in U niversity Methodist Church. 7:00-Mass meeting for men in University Methodist Church. THURSDAY 8:15 a. rn.-Chapel in Y. M. C. A. Auditorium. 12:50 p. rn.-Speech before Aus tin Business Men's Club at the Driskill. 7:00 p. rn.-Mass meeting at the University Methodist Church. Students to V ote on Memorial Asking for Removal of University ; .\> has boun previously announced,! S I a petition endorsing the memorial to the Legislature and endorsing the p rop osal >f the President and tho Board of Regents relative to the U ni versity removal will be presented to the entire student body in the various classes this morning from 9 until l l o'cloek. This petition is being presented to ascertain the opinion of the student body relative to the proposed removal and those presenting the petition are doing so voluntarily, with the permossion of the President of the Univer* I . sity. American Students to Receive Fellowships to Scandanavian Countries NO. 94 COMMITTEES FOB VARSITY CIRCUS Queen s Race to Be Feature of Gala Biennial Event on April 21 INTERSCHOLASTIC PLANS ANNOUNCED Dr. Vinson has received a letter' from the American-Scandinavian Foundation which contain* some very Committee chairmen who will have general supervision over the various phases of the great biennial Var sity Circus to bo given this spring were announced last night by John B. Moon, manager of the Circus for this year. It was also announced that the ever-i the largest organization popular queen's race would be held 1 in the United States i again this year between Monday, March 21st, and Monday, April l l , during which time it is expected that ' League, declares hat present unusual interest will be manifested in Pro8Pects forecast the y -ate t yea. ' 'his big feature of the entertainment. I in the history of that or tization. Queen * Race Anounced Records of tm office s The Queen', Coronation and Grand tar, hip "t thjs tjme of , University Organization Plans For Biggest Year in Its History Stating that the University of Texas Interscholastic League is now * the kind d growing I rapidly, E. D. Shurter, hail man of IN SPECTACULAR DEBATE YESTERDAY President Given Ovation W hen He Appears to Plead for Greater University in his travels throughout P.urope, the Waco track on April 16, when they Asia, and Egypt, as well as here in meet the Baylor Bears. Then follows Everywhere, the speaker Louisiana meet, after which S. M. U. (B y G eorge D. Gammon) he found it, Sherwood Eddy ad dressed a convocation of the student gody yesterday morning. The three interesting information concerning Mr. Eddy began by enumerating I the first contest with Rice at Austin I Fellowships for study in the Sean c e conditions of strife that are now { until the Southwestern Conference dinavian countries t«> he granted to tearing at the peace of the world. I meet at Waco on Max 13 and l l. American students during the aca-He mentioned in some detail the ac-The Longhorns will have an oppor-demit* year 1921-1922. Twenty of tual conditions as he had seen them tunity to familiarize themselves with ' these Fellowships are to be granted, ten for study in Sweden, five for study in Denmark, and five for study in Norway. It is represented that men and women capable of independent study and research who can worthily rep resent their colleges and the United States be given these Fellowships since Scandinavian estimation of American educational institutions will depend on the successful selection of these Fellows. They will be selected according to All appli-| America. said, there is a seething of struggle against autocracy and industrial op pression. He has travelled in Russia, Ger many, Poland, Austria and all the Speaking on the World Situation other countries of Europe, and has conference meet will then close A he found it. Sherwood Eddy ad-met student., teachers, men of in-schedule. will appear on Clark Field in a dual meet with the University on April 29. May 6 will find the locals at College Station, with their old rivals, the Farmers, as their opponents. The the the Al-dustrial power, professional men and Prospects Not Bright the laboring classes. Everywhere, Early season prospects for h® «ay*. there is the crying out for Longhorns are not any too rosy. .t h r e a t needs of the world at the pres-freedom, for self-expression, and for j though there are about 115 men out I t,ie f(,llou ,n-procedure ent time, he said, are the need for "more abundant iife." j for the squad, over one-half of them food, the need for peace, and the Change Taking Place j ineligible. Ag the case of football need for God. The whole world has Regardless of what we may think) and basketball, the freshmen loom u p l w *^ put them before a Scholarship Ball will take place on the night of Wednesday, April 20, to be followed tho next day, April 21 by the Circus which is an increase of membership the corresponding I By Henry C. F u lch er)
doi:10.26153/tsw/19330 fatcat:cl7476kk5zgz7fhfxl36fdnmhm