Monographies d'Échinodermes Vivans et Fossils. Échinites. Famille des Cidarides. Premiere Monographie. Des Salénies: A translation of Monographies d'Échinodermes vivans et fossiles. Échinites. Famille des Cidarides. Premiere Monographie. Des Salénies [book]

Agassiz Louis, John Lawrence
1839 unpublished
In his Preface, Agassiz stated his plan was for "Monographies d'Echinodermes vivans et fossils" to publish successively small monographs, each including a natural group, as they became available These were ultimately to include the entire phylum of echinoderms. Agassiz prepared two (Salenies and Scutellids). He asked Desor, who was working with him, to prepare two (Galerites, Dysaster), He invited a friend, Valentin, an eminent physiologist at the University of Bern, to prepare a work on the
more » ... tomy of Echinus. These were the only five monographs published, the last by Desor in 1842.
doi:10.5038/bin.books.1037 fatcat:nrahph7vyrbjlc3trqd2lvmrqy