Kinga Gruziel
2021 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum - Oeconomia  
This study investigates the concept of the stability of the state and the public finance sector (PFS) based on a review of current literature in the field. An attempt has been made to define the principles of public management and present the structures of public finance sector units (PFSU) in Poland. The study focuses on the public finance sector, units included in this sector, mechanisms influencing the functioning of public service organisations and their management. Part of the research is
more » ... case study analysis of a sample PFSU, which is a central administration body. The purpose of the study was to identify the measures used to assess the stability of a public finance sector unit and to interpret those measures in relation to the studied areas of the PFS in Poland. The paper explores the principles of managing the organisation of the public finance sector, the notion of public management and its genesis. The selected PFSU case was used to indicate the relationship between the functioning of a public finance sector unit and the stability of leadership in that unit. The study is descriptive and uses inference methods. The research material included the literature on public finance and management as well as internal materials of the studied public finance sector unit. The main objective of the study was to show how the destabilisation of leadership can affect the functioning of the state office. As a result of the analysis, measures most accurately describing the phenomenon of leadership stability have been constructed. They include: measures based on quantitative assessment, measures based on institutional behaviour assessment and measures based on the subjective opinions, behaviours and expectations of employees, stakeholders and associates of the PFSU. The existence of a relationship between the stability of leadership and the functioning of a public finance sector unit was confirmed. Changes were recorded in the functioning of the office during frequent personnel changes in senior civil service positions.
doi:10.22630/aspe.2020.19.4.39 fatcat:xqd6qhqpcnf7jhaeqbdrucpi4i