Contact analysis for dual peg-in-hole assembly of automobile alternator frame

Bo Zhou, Lijun Liu, Guangyuan Chen
2020 Mechanics & Industry  
The modeling and analysis of the assembly contact problems in the picking and placement of the automobile alternator frame are carried out in the multi-station processing. According to the three-dimensional assembly characteristics of the actual alternator frame and the fixture, the assembly model in the drilling and milling station is simplified. The alternator frame and fixture assembly problem as a whole is simplified to a dual peg-in-hole assembly problem. All possible one-point contact
more » ... es and two-point contact states during the assembly process are proposed(L-1)∼(R-10). The contact force analysis is carried out on the typical one-contact state L-1 and the typical two-point contact state L-5, and the relationship between the corresponding assembly forces Fx, Fy, Fz and the assembly moments Mx, My, Mz is obtained. According to the relationship between these assembly forces and assembly moments, the corresponding jamming diagrams are obtained. Finally, according to the three-dimensional size of the actual alternator frame, the experimental verification was carried out by using a 6-DOF force/moment sensor. The experimental results confirmed the validity of the analysis. Technical support is provided for the assembly of automobile alternator frames based on force sensing control for the follow-up work.
doi:10.1051/meca/2020012 fatcat:wzx7fm4swzdvhi3pl54lq2tpgu