Efforts to improve the growth of longan plant grafting (Dimocarpus longan lour.) in Indonesia with the application of fertilizer

E W Tini, P Sulistyanto, Rr P H Purwantini
2019 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
The purpose of this research was to study the response of longan grafting plant to the application of leaf and NPK fertilizer. The experimental design was randomized block design with three factors namely varieties, leaf fertilizers and NPK fertilizers. Varieties were Kristalin, Aroma Durian, Diamond River, and Itoh. Leaf fertilizer concentration was without fertilizer, 2 g/l, and 2.5 g/l. The dosage of NPK fertilizer were without fertilizer, 40 g/pot, and 60 g/pot. The observed variables were
more » ... lant height, number of leaves, number of branches, leaf area and amount of chlorophyll. The results showed that Kristalin was the most responsive to NPK fertilizer at dosage of 60 g per plant. The 2.5 g of leaf fertilizer per plant was the optimal dosage to increase the height addition. The highest plant addition was found in Kristalin was 21.72 cm. Kristalin and Durian Aroma were have highest number of leaves at 102.75 while the largest leaf area is Krsitalin 3,861.54 cm 2 . The concentration of leaf fertilizer will increase the addition of plant height and number of leave, however it will reduce number of branches and leaf area. The more dosage of NPK fertilizer will reduce the number of leaves and leaf area.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/250/1/012103 fatcat:ck7pwhvkcfhujhjnyshepwumca