On the Design of Flexible Real-Time Schedulers for Embedded Systems

Hugo Marcondes, Rafael Cancian, Marcelo Stemmer, Antônio Augusto Frohlich
2009 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering  
A major subject in real-time embedded systems is the management of the tasks that compose the system respecting its real-time constraints. This is usually accomplished by the adequate selection of a scheduling policy. This work proposes a design and implementation of real-time schedulers for embedded systems within the context of Application Oriented System Design (AOSD), enabling the development of schedulers where the policy is detached from the scheduling mechanism. The results shows that
more » ... h implementation could scale from 8 bits microcontrollers, 32 bits architectures, and to specific hardware implemented design. 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00
doi:10.1109/cse.2009.407 dblp:conf/cse/MarcondesCSF09 fatcat:yov6bldwr5aytlnchr7hjyh5za