τ- andμ-physics in a general two Higgs doublet model withμ−τflavor violation
Yuji Omura, Eibun Senaha, Kazuhiro Tobe
Physical Review D
Motivated by the recent CMS excess in a flavor violating Higgs decay h →μτ as well as the anomaly of muon anomalous magnetic moment (muon g-2), we consider a scenario where both the excess in h →μτ and the anomaly of muon g-2 are explained by the μ-τ flavor violation in a general two Higgs doublet model. We study various processes involving μ and τ, and then discuss the typical predictions and constraints in this scenario. Especially, we find that the prediction of τ→μγ can be within the reach
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... f the Belle II experiment. We also show that the lepton non-universality between τ→μνν̅ and τ→ e νν̅ can be sizable, and hence the analysis of the current Belle data and the future experimental improvement would have an impact on this model. Besides, processes such as τ→μ l^+ l^- (l=e, μ), τ→μη, μ→ e γ, μ→ 3e, and muon EDM can be accessible, depending on the unknown Yukawa couplings. On the other hand, the processes like τ→ e γ and τ→ e l^+ l^- (l=e, μ) could not be sizable to observe because of the current strong constraints on the e-μ and e-τ flavor violations. Then we also conclude that contrary to h →μτ decay mode, the lepton flavor violating Higgs boson decay modes h→ e μ and h→ eτ are strongly suppressed, and hence it will be difficult to observe these modes at the LHC experiment.