Symplectic Calculation of Lyapunov Exponents

Salman Habib, Robert D. Ryne
1995 Physical Review Letters  
The Lyapunov exponents of a chaotic system quantify the exponential divergence of initially nearby trajectories. For Hamiltonian systems the exponents are related to the eigenvalues of a symplectic matrix. We make use of this fact to develop a new method for the calculation of Lyapunov exponents of such systems. Our approach avoids the renormalization and reorthogonalization of usual techniques. It is also easily extendible to damped systems. We apply our method to two examples of physical
more » ... est: a model system that describes the beam halo in charged particle beams and the driven van der Pol oscillator.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.74.70 pmid:10057701 fatcat:44fnnjw3wfhzdaeho3r2kbrweu