Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing of Robust Superhydrophobic Coating on Metallic Engineering Materials [component]

Creating a robust superhydrophobic surface on the conventional engineering 16 materials at mass production is of great importance for self-cleaning, anti-icing, non-wetting 17 surface and low flow resistance in industrial applications. Herein, we report a roll-to-roll 18 strategy to create durable and robust superhydrophobic surfaces with designed micro-/nano-1 scale hierarchical structures on many conventional engineering materials by combining 2 electrical discharge machining, coating of
more » ... n nanoparticles, and followed by oil 3 penetration and drying. The treated surface shows good superhydrophobic properties with 4 static water contact angle of 170±2 o and slide angle of 3±1 o . The treated surface also exhibits 5 good resilience and maintains the performance after tested in various harsh conditions 6 including water flushing for several days, sand abrasion, scratching with sandpapers and 7 corrosive solution. Significantly, the superhydrophobic surfaces also shows a high efficiency 8 of self-cleaning properties even after oil-contamination during applications. 9
doi:10.1021/acsami.7b16251.s001 fatcat:3nlyqg4izzflrfjng42t6yx6jy