Improvements of refractory life for RH degasser
RH下部そう耐火物の寿命延長 下部そう耐火物の寿命延長におよぼす電極加熱の影響

Masatoshi Ozawa, Denjiro Ohtsuga, Masayuki Yamamoto
Synopsis For these 20 years, new steelmaking processes for producing clean steel have always been developed around RH degasser in Chita plant of Daido Steel. As the typical example, an integrated process consisted of arc furnace melting, ladle furnace refining, vacuum degassing and continuous casting has recently been completed. This paper describes an improvement of refractory life of RH lower vessels, which is the essential part of the degassing unit. This subject was achieved by (1)
more » ... of proper material for basic refractories, (2) adoption of electrode heating for RH vessels, (3) improvement of lining method and (4) introduction of ladle furnace. As the result, the life of RH vessel was improved from the order of 10 heats obtained 20 years before, to the present level of 200 heats.
doi:10.4262/denkiseiko.56.77 fatcat:occaolwzf5dtzljbsavir3yquq