A. A. Blanchard
1899 Journal of the American Chemical Society  
Cyclical Law of the Elements. BY THOMAS BAYLEY. J . A m . Ckem. Soc., 20, .g27-g34.--The author discusses Lothar Meyer's curve of atomic weights and atomic volumes, and presents evidence that the sixth loop or cycle embraces elements with atomic weights between that of caesium and that of an unknown alkali metal of atomic weight 223, instead of 170, as Lothar Meyer suggested. Atomic Volume as a Periodic Function. BY THOMAS BAY-LEY. /. A m . Ckem. SOC., 20, g35-g48.-Constructing an atomic volume
more » ... curve like that of Lothar Meyer, drawing ordinates through the points that mark the transitions from cycle to cycle which occur just before the alkali metals, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium, and the value 223.7, and drawing abscissae at points corresponding to atomic volumes of 30, 60, go, 120, etc., the author shows that it is possible to draw straight lines through their intersections, which will also pass through the positions of two or more elements, and that there is a remarkable regularity in the properties of the elements located upon these lines. T h e position and properties of numerous unknown elements in the sixth, seventh, and eighth cycles are also shown by extending the system of lines.
doi:10.1021/ja02053a027 fatcat:uo6ivzqxlfed5gjeiepgzhkjly