A catalogue of symbiotic stars

K. Belczyński, J. Mikołajewska, U. Munari, R. J. Ivison, M. Friedjung
2000 Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series  
We present a new catalogue of symbiotic stars. In our list we include 188 symbiotic stars as well as 28 objects suspected of being symbiotic. For each star, we present basic observational material: coordinates, V and K magnitudes, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), X-ray and radio observations. We also list the spectral type of the cool component, the maximum ionization potential observed, references to finding charts, spectra, classifications and recent papers discussing the physical parameters
more » ... nd nature of each object. Moreover, we present the orbital photometric ephemerides and orbital elements of known symbiotic binaries, pulsational periods for symbiotic Miras, Hipparcos parallaxes and information about outbursts and flickering.
doi:10.1051/aas:2000280 fatcat:r5s4i4ywgrdjnol4xkitmxysme