Publisher Profile--Univesity of Virginia Press

2016 Against the Grain  
exeCUTive Team: mark saunders, Director assoCiaTion memBershiPs: Member american association of University Presses. Key ProdUCTs and serviCes: Books in American history, literature, politics, religious studies, architecture, and regional titles about Virginia. Rotunda new digital scholarship collections in the American Founding Era, Literature and Culture, the American Century, and SAH Archipedia. Core marKeTs/ClienTele: Scholars, students, general readers, research libraries. nUmBer of
more » ... s: 23 nUmBer of BooKs PUBlished annUally: 70 ToTal nUmBer of BooKs on yoUr BaCKlisT: 1,000 hisTory and Brief desCriPTion of yoUr ComPany/PUBlishing Program: The University of virginia Press was founded in 1963 to advance the intellectual interests not only of the University of virginia, but of institutions of higher learning throughout the state. A member of the association of american University Presses, UvaP currently publishes approximately 70 titles annually, including digital editions. New titles are approved by the Board of Directors after a rigorous process of peer review. The UvaP editorial program focuses primarily on the humanities and social sciences with special concentrations in American history, literature, politics, architecture and books about Virginia. rotunda, our digital imprint, was created for the publication of original digital scholarship along with newly digitized critical and documentary editions in American history, literature, and architecture. rotunda collections combine the originality, intellectual rigor, and scholarly value of traditional peer-reviewed university press publishing with thoughtful technological innovation designed for scholars and students.
doi:10.7771/2380-176x.7277 fatcat:b2hc6rrcyrc6tmpu6bzena2hs4