Vers la constitution du lexique-grammaire des verbes en grec moderne

Tita Kyriacopoulou, Anastasia Yannacopoulou
2004 Lingvisticæ investigationes  
The purpose of this article is to present the general organization of the Greek verbs lexicon-grammar and to explain the properties that play a decisive role in the distribution of the verbs in the tables of the lexicon-grammar. This long-term operation started a year ago and has not finished yet. Our results are therefore incomplete and limited to the verbs for which the proprieties of structure have been studied. After briefly recapitulating the general principles taken into account in our
more » ... k, we present a first classification of the Greek verbs and the syntactic proprieties taken into account. Finally, we attempt to analyze automatically a text on the basis of two tables of the lexicon-grammar.
doi:10.1075/li.26.2.05kyr fatcat:4sixi6bb55cf3loy3m736nmefy