FABRIC Experimenter Workshop Report, April 8-9 2021 [report]

Anita Nikolich
2021 Zenodo  
The FABRIC Experimenters Workshop virtually brought together over 191 active participants from around the globe to see demonstrations of the initial key modules that comprise the FABRIC testbed's Minimum Viable Product (MVP) as well as an early look into the Measurement Framework (MF). Participants were encouraged to provide real time feedback on the software. A combination of FABRIC team updates, science design driver updates, related project (CC* and FAB) updates, breakout sessions,
more » ... ers whiteboard sessions, and an open mic ensured a rich dialog between the experimenters, other testbed conveners, partners hosting FABRIC infrastructure, and the FABRIC team. Despite the virtual format, participants were actively engaged.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5149059 fatcat:wgylgqcmyvbzbk54r72s2lszoi