Effect of Glottal Pulse Shape on the Quality of Natural Vowels

A. E. Rosenberg
1971 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
A pitch-synchronous analysis was carried out over the vowel portions of the CVC utterances HAYED, HOD, ItODE and the sentence FEW THIEVES ARE NEVER SENT TO THE JUG recorded by a male speaker. For every pitch period, the analysis provides formant frequencies and the waveform of the vocM-cord excitation. The excitation waveform was replaced by a simulated excitation waveform, with which the utterances were resynthesized. In Expt. I, sLx simulated waveforms with pulse shapes differing in the
more » ... and location of slope discontinuities were investigated. Listening tests indicated that simulated excitations with pulse shapes with a single slope discontinuity at closure are preferred. In Expt. II, simulated excitations with 16 combinations of opening and closing times of a preferred pulse shape were investigated. Listening tests indicated that very small opening or dosing times, or opening times approximately equal to or less than closing times, are not preferred. In general, it was demonstrated that good-quality synthetic speech can be generated by using simple excitation waveforms specified undormly over an utterance. The use of tournament testing strategies for perceptual evaluation of speech •mples Ls also described. output amplitude was independent of the average flow or open time. J. N. Hohnes also reported an investigation of the excitation waveform by means of inverse filteringfl .? Holmes found large differences in waveshape between talkers, between utterances, and with variations in pitch
doi:10.1121/1.1912389 pmid:5541751 fatcat:fsog5yml4fcsbiuobtenn4hkbu